Support> Office Hours
Office Hours Advising
GIF Staff are available for advice and assistance on geospatial projects throughout the week. To make an appointment, please select an available time slot in the calendar below. If you do not see the interactive calendar, be sure to log in to your bCal or Google account.
Sign up to meet with Brian, Nancy, Shruti, or Eric.
Note that we each have different areas of expertise! View the links above to help identify which of us may be able to best help you with your questions.
Please be aware that:
- GIF advising is available to current UC students, faculty and staff.
- Advisors will do their best to help with your questions, but may not be able to solve every problem within the allotted time. In these instances, we will try to direct you towards additional resources for review.
- GIF office hours appointments are available for a maximum of 30 minutes, and must be scheduled ahead of time with staff.
- As a courtesy, we request acknowledgement of the GIF in any publications that have benefited from our support and services. We suggest: This research benefited from the support and services of UC Berkeley's Geospatial Innovation Facility (GIF), gif.berkeley.edu.
These office hours are intended to serve geospatial problem solving and troubleshooting needs. More complex projects may benefit from our hourly consulting support.