Resources> Software
Geospatial Software at the GIF
GIF provides its users with the most up to date geospatial software available. We strive to offer a variety of software alternatives so that our users may choose the best option for their research needs. GIF desktops include the following desktop GIS , remote sensing, virtual globes, and modeling applications.
Desktop GIS
UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff may obtain a one-year education edition of ArcGIS software free of charge! Click here to find out how. |
QGIS is an open source GIS program, available free for download, that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and Windows. This user friendly software is a great option for performing many geospatial tasks, and is supported by an active developer and user community. |
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) GRASS is an open-source GIS used for data management, image processing, graphics production, spatial modeling, and visualization of many types of data. There are Linux and Windows versions of GRASS available for download. |
Remote Sensing
The GIF has 15 licenses for eCognition, an object-based image
analysis (OBIA) and classification application, and 2 licenses for Definiens eCognition Server. The GIF is a Definiens Center of Excellence. |
ENVI (ITT Visual Information Solutions) ENVI is software for the visualization, analysis, and presentation of all types of digital imagery, and features particular strength in hyperspectral image analysis. |
The GIF has 10 licenses for Leica Geosystems' Erdas Imagine, which is software for image processing, analysis, and classification. A student license can also be obtained for Erdas Imagine for use on your personal computer. Please contact us. Take a GIF workshop to learn pixel-based image analysis and classification with Erdas Imagine! Leica Geosystems has donated analyph glasses for use in workshops, courses, and Facility activities, including for use with K-12 activities! Thank you so much Leica Geosystems! |
Virtual Globes
A free to use virtual globe, ArcGIS Explorer offers a 3D globe that is designed for easy integration with ArcMap files and even spatial queries and models that are user submitted. |
Google Earth Pro (Google, Inc.) Google Earth is a program for visualizing imagery of the Earth, and allows you to add your own geospatial data. The basic version is free, while the Plus and Pro versions cost $40 and $200, respectively. |
Virtual Earth is a free to use virtual globe application that runs in Internet Explorer. This globe features a robust data set that is maintained by Microsoft, including a unique collection of high resolution "bird's eye view" imagery obtained through aerial surveys. |
Developed by NASA as a 3d visualization tool, World Wind connects to extensive NASA image data sets, and offers a completely open source environment, including a Java SDK for custom development. |
DIVA-GIS is a freely available desktop GIS application that offers BIOCLIM, a simple and easy to use species distribution modeling tool. |
Fragstats is a spatial pattern analysis program for categorical maps. Use this program quantify your land cover raster grids and calculate pattern metrics. |
Maxent is a freely available Species Distribution Modeling application that utilizes a maximum entropy approach. Tutorials and sample data are available on the site. |