About> Contact
We encourage you to visit the GIF in person and ask any questions you might have. We are at the GIF during normal business office hours (and sometimes not so normal hours!) We are located in 111 Mulford Hall. See the directions and travel information page for more information.
Nancy Thomas, Executive Director: nethomas
Brian Galey, Senior Web Application Developer: bgaley
Eric Lehmer,Web Application Developer: elehmer
Shruti Mukhtyar, Web Application Developer: mukhtyar
(510) 643-4539
111 Mulford Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114
GIF Donors
If you are interested in learning how you can give to the GIF, please contact:
Maggi Kelly
GIF Faculty Director
137 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114
(510) 642-7272
Laura Oftedahl
CNR Development Office
101 Giannini Hall, #3110
Berkeley, CA 94720-3110