About> People
Iryna Dronova, Faculty Director
Nancy Thomas, Executive Director
Brian Galey, Senior Web Application Developer
Eric Lehmer, Web Application Developer
Meli Jiménez, Web Application Developer
Faculty Oversight Committee
Justin Brashares
Van Butsic
Benjamin Blonder
Manuela Girotto
Todd Dawson
Brandon Collins
Advisory Board
Kass Green, President, Kass Green & Associates
Russ Congalton, Professor, University of New Hampshire
Karin Tuxen-Bettman, Senior Program Manager, Google Earth Outreach
Dean Angelides, Director, International Operations, ESRI
Larry Orman, Executive Director, GreenInfo Network
Cynthia Schmidt, Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote sensing (ASPRS)
The GIF is an active member of the ASPRS NorCal Region where Faculty Director, Maggi Kelly, serves as Regional Director.
Bay Area Automated Mapping Association (BAAMA)
The GIF co-hosts GIS Day events with BAAMA, and Kevin Koy, GIF Manager, serves on BAAMA's Board of Directors.
Berkeley Water Center
The Berkeley Water Center has been developed to integrate expertise across disciplines in support of a new research mode for water investigations.
California Academy of Sciences
The California Academy of Sciences is home to the Steinhart Aquarium, the Morrison Planetarium, and the Kimball Natural History Museum, as well as world class research and education departments, all with the mission is to explore, explain, and protect the natural world.
Center for Fire Research & Outreach
The Center for Fire Research and Outreach develops and disseminates science-based solutions to wildfire-related challenges. They are located in the College of Natural Resources at UC Berkeley.
Environmental Leadership Pathway (ELP)
The Environmental Leadership Pathway (ELP)program provides academic enrichment, field and laboratory research experience, and teaching experience for underrepresented and first-in-the-family community college students.
Erdas supplies our licenses and support for Erdas Imagine software for remote sensing and image analysis. Erdas Imagine is currently installed on all computers in 111 Mulford Hall.
ESRI supplies our licenses and support for ESRI ArcGIS suite of products.
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ) at the University of California, Berkeley, is a center for research and education in the biology of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
The GIF is an eCognition Center of Excellence. Our facility hosts eCognition Software as well as eCognition Server.