Resources> Data> Data by Subject
Administrative boundaries
Includes administrative, cultural, political, physical,
and transportation geospatial data for the State of California.
Global Administrative Areas (GADM)
Administrative boundaries on a global scale available in shapefile or ESRI geodatabase formats. Includes both country boundaries, and
lower level subdivisions such as provinces, departments, bibhag, bundeslander, daerah istimewa, fivondronana, krong, landsvæðun, opština, sous-préfecture, counties, and thana.
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Formerly known as Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Vector Map (VMap) is available at two scales, level 0 (1:1,000,000) is available globally, and level 1 (1:250,000) is available for select locations. Vmap data sets include boundaries, elevation, hydrography, industry, physiography, population, transportation, utilities, and vegetation.
Click on the map to download a region.
Census Bureau
Boundary files available for various administrative scales
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (TIGER)
Shapefiles available containing features such as roads, railroads, rivers, as well as legal and statistical geographic areas. Updated October 2009.
bathymetry data
Points, lines and imagery available by shapefile and grid.
Bathymetry, Topography and Global Relief Page
NGDC compiles, archives, and distributes bathymetric data from coastal and open ocean areas, including acting as the long-term archive for NOAA National Ocean Service
Biological Data
Predicted distributions for terrestrial vertebrate species at UCSB
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Global repository for biological data
Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
Global repository for marine biological data
Ornithological Information System (Ornis)
National repository for ornithological biological data
Global repository for fish biological data
Mammal Networked Information System (MaNIS)
Global repository for mammal biological data
Global repository for herpetological biological data
Repository for a variety of biological data
Modeled Climate change projection data for the State of California in both raster and tabular formats.
States Historical Climatology Network
Historical Climate Station Data or download via FTP.
Climate Data Layers
Available from the Spatial Climate analysis Service
Current, past, and present interpolated global climate data
University of Delaware Global Climate Resource Pages
Historic Global Climate
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Future climate change scenario projections
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Paleoclimatology data
UC Data
UC Berkeley's principal archive of digitized social science data and statistics. Access to to non-public microdata from the Census can be provided by submitting a proposal to the CCRDC. Proposals are reviewed for feasibility, scientific merit, benefit to the Census Bureau, and disclosure risks.
Census Bureau
Census data available for various administrative scales
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (TIGER)
Shapefiles available containing features such as roads, railroads, rivers, as well as legal and statistical geographic areas. Updated October 2009.
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Formerly known as Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Vector Map (VMap) is available at two scales, level 0 (1:1,000,000) is available globally, and level 1 (1:250,000) is available for select locations. Vmap data sets include boundaries, elevation, hydrography, industry, physiography, population, transportation, utilities, and vegetation.
Click on the map to download a region.
Ecoregions/ Bioregions
Jepson ecological region boundaries of California from UCSB
National Burn Severity Mapping Project
Severity Data sets *
Perimeters and other fire data for California
Fish & Wildlife Service
Fire Data
Land Cover/ Land Use
Land Cover data
Extent: U.S.
Resolution: 30 meters
California GAP Analysis Project's LANDCOV data set at UCSB
Extent: California
Minimum mapping unit (MMU): 40-100 acres
LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation, 2005
Extent: U.S.
Resolution: 30 meters
See GIF for attribute information for the Existing Vegetation Type (EVT).
USGS Multi-Resolution Land Characterization (MRLC) USGS
National Land Cover Data set (NLCD) for 1992, 2001, 2006
Extent: U.S.
Resolution: 30 meters
USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL
Cropland Data Layer
Extent: U.S.
Resolution: 30 meters
LCMMP vegetation, land cover change, calveg, and other vegetation
(hardwood, rangeland, coastal redwood, etc.) data
Extent: California
Minimum mapping unit (MMU): 2.5 acres
Global Change Master directory
Marine Current & flow data
marine data
Points, lines and imagery available by shapefile and grid
Northern California ocean current data
COCMP provides near real-time mapping of coastal surface circulation along the entire California Coast.
Protected Areas
World Database on Protected Areas
Extensive UN collection of protected area geospatial data collected from multiple sources and available globally.
California Protected Areas Database (CPAD)
A GIS inventory of all protected open space lands in the State of California.
Soils STATSGO and other soils data
The Digital General Soil Map of the United States or STATSGO2 is a broad-based inventory of soils and non-soil areas that occur in a repeatable pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped of 1:250,000 in the continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands and 1:1,000,000 in Alaska.
The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database was collected at scales ranging from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. More details were gathered at a scale of 1:12,000 than at a scale of 1:63,360.
Topography & Elevation
BARD (SF Bay only)
Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
Cal-Atlas (CA only)
Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
CSU Northridge Geography Dept (CA only)
Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
NED and SRTM Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
"Gap-filled" SRTM Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
USGS National Map Data Server
National Digital Elevation Models (DEM) available through custom webGIS
GIS Data Depot
Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
CalGAP Project
Shaded Relief at UCSB (CA only)
Digital Topographic Maps/ Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs)
GIS Data Depot
Digital Topographic Maps/ Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs)
NCALM @ UC Berkeley
LiDAR data of Napa County, Eel River Watershed, and other locales
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (TIGER)
Shapefiles available containing features such as roads, railroads, rivers, as well as legal and statistical geographic areas. Updated December 2008.
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. TIGER line street files
ESRI data TIGER line street files
Cal-Atlas Transportation
Major California roads
CalGAP Project
Major California roads
BARD (for SFF Bay only)
Major California roads
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Major California roads
Metropolitan Transportation Commission.
Bay Area roads and highways, transit, etc.
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Formerly known as Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Vector Map (VMap) is available at two scales, level 0 (1:1,000,000) is available globally, and level 1 (1:250,000) is available for select locations. Vmap data sets include boundaries, elevation, hydrography, industry, physiography, population, transportation, utilities, and vegetation.
Click on the map to download a region.
Urban & Environmental
Wildland-Urban Interface data
Files related to wildland-urban interface in the US
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Formerly known as Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Vector Map (VMap) is available at two scales, level 0 (1:1,000,000) is available globally, and level 1 (1:250,000) is available for select locations. Vmap data sets include boundaries, elevation, hydrography, industry, physiography, population, transportation, utilities, and vegetation.
Click on the map to download a region.
Watershed data, boundaries
Watershed boundaries
Watershed boundaries
BARD (SF Bay only)
Hydography, Rivers & Streams
GIS Data Depot
Hydography, Rivers & Streams
San Francisco Estuary Institute data
NOAA-CCAP Land Cover data, 2000
Extent: Coastal California counties
Resolution: 30 meters
Daily Surface Weather and Climatalogical Summaries
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wind data
Weather station data
Remotely-sensed Image Data Resources
Satellite & Airborne Imagery
Glovis USGS
Interactive webMap interface for locating and acquiring Landsat, ASTER, and MODIS image data. Use this source to locate and download free Landsat and MODIS data, covering the entire archive.
USGS Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)
ASTER & MODIS data. Choose "Data Pool" to access free current ASTER data for the US.
Land Cover Facility
Large archive of select free Landsat, MODIS, and ASTER data worldwide
National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)
1-meter resolution imagery of the entire state of California acquired in 2005 and 2009
CalView Landsat image data
EarthExplorer USGS
Extensive search and ordering interface for the majority of USGS image data holdings
Global image data source
Landsat TM of California from UCSB
Spot Catalog
SPOT Image data
Spot image data for California
AVIRIS hyperspectral airborne data
Processed Imagery
NOAA Office of
Satellite Data Processing and Distribution (OSDPD)
Imagery processed with Indices for Vegetation, Coral Bleached, Precipitation,
Wind, Heat, etc.
Global Land Covwer Faclity (GLCF)
Products derrived from Landsat, MODIS, AVHRR and other image collections
Data Resources by Geographic Area
SF Bay
San Fransisco Datasets
Association of Bay Area Governments
Bay Area Automated Mapping Association (BAAMA)
Bay Area Regional Database (BARD)
San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI)
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
Bay Area Roads & Transit
SF Ports
Wind data
and Tributaries Database (BDAT)
Water Quality Data with GPS Locations
US Forest Service, Region 5 GIS Data Clearinghouse
California Dept. Forestry-Fire Resource Assessment Program (CDF-FRAP)
California Protected Areas Database (CPAD)
California GAP Analysis Project
California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES)
Census Bureau
Boundary files available for various administrative scales
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (TIGER)
Shapefiles available containing features such as roads, railroads, rivers, as well as legal and statistical geographic areas. Updated December 2008.
Berkeley/Penn Urban & Environmental Modeler's Datakit
Data compiled by the Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD) at the University of California, Berkeley.
These data contain ESRI shapefiles and grids describing many of the physical, administrative, transportation, demographic, economic, land use and land cover, and environmental characteristics of the 48 contiguous United States from the Berkeley/Penn project.
Vector and
raster data are available for download.
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics data
EPA's Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics data
Global Administrative Areas (GADM)
Administrative boundaries on a global scale available in shapefile or ESRI geodatabase formats. Includes both country boundaries, and
lower level subdivisions such as provinces, departments, bibhag, bundeslander, daerah istimewa, fivondronana, krong, landsvæðun, opština, sous-préfecture, counties, and thana.
DIVA-GIS website
Free international data sources
Global Administrative Areas (GADM)
Administrative boundaries on a global scale available in shapefile or ESRI geodatabase formats. Includes both country boundaries, and
lower level subdivisions such as provinces, departments, bibhag, bundeslander, daerah istimewa, fivondronana, krong, landsvæðun, opština, sous-préfecture, counties, and thana.
DIVA-GIS website
Free international data sources
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Formerly known as Digital Chart of the World (DCW) Vector Map (VMap) is available at two scales, level 0 (1:1,000,000) is available globally, and level 1 (1:250,000) is available for select locations. Vmap data sets include boundaries, elevation, hydrography, industry, physiography, population, transportation, utilities, and vegetation.
Click on the map to download a region.
World Database on Protected Areas
Extensive UN collection of protected area geospatial data collected from multiple sources and available globally.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Global repository for biological data
Current, past, and present interpolated global climate data
"Gap-filled" 90 meter SRTM Digital Elevation Models (DEM)