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GeoLunch - Fall, 2009
Here is a list of presenters from the Fall 2009 term. Click here to view the current term.
August 28
GIF Open House - click here for details
September 11
Presenter: Michael Byrne, Geospatial Information Officer (GIO), State of California
Topic: "California's IT/GIS strategy" click here for full presentation (.pptx, ~7MB)
Location: 103 Mulford Hall Conference Room
September 18
Presenter: Oliver Sonnentag, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley
Topic: "How do land management practices affect net ecosystem exchange of an invasive plant infestation?" click here for full presentation (PDF, ~2MB)
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
September 25
Presenter: William McShea, Wildlife Ecologist, Smithsonian Institution, National Zoological Park
Topic: "Mapping distribution as a conservation measure; an example using Asiatic black bears in China"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
October 2
Presenter: Kevin Koy, Manager, Geospatial Innovation Facility, UC Berkeley
Topic: "Agent Based Models and GIS"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
October 9
Presenter: Nicole Boyle, Geographic Information Specialist, Statewide Database, UC Berkeley
Topic: "California's Redistricting Database"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
October 16
Sorry, no Geolunch this week
October 23
Presenter: John Chiang, Associate Professor, Department of Geography & Center for Atmospheric Sciences - UC Berkeley
Topic: "Tropical rainfall and climate change"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
October 30
Kim Carlson - PhD Candidate, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Matt Colgan - PhD Candidate, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University
Kim: "Using a Landsat time series (1990-2008) to evaluate oil palm's role in land use change in Indonesian Borneo"
Matt: "Topo-edaphic Controls over Woody Biomass in South African Savannas"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
November 6
Presenter: Kass Green, President, Kass Green & Associates
Topic: “Mapping the Vegetation of the Grand Canyon Using ADS40 imagery, Image Segmentation, and CART"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
November 13
Sorry, no Geolunch this week
November 20
Presenter: Tim Bean, PhD Student, Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley
Topic: "Pushing the envelope: hierarchical distribution modeling of the giant kangaroo rat"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
November 27
No Geolunch - Thanksgiving
December 4
Presenter: Rafael Real de Asua, Senior GIS Analyst; Eric Edlund, GIS Analyst; Sebastian Araya, GIS Analyst
Topic: "Stillwater Sciences - Integral GIS from fieldwork to desktop spatial analysis"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room
December 11
Presenter: Marc Parisien , Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley
Topic: "Mapping and understanding landscape-level fire probability using simulation modeling"
Location: 111 Mulford Hall Conference Room